It takes 500 hours

Research from The Grattan Institute says it takes at least 500 hours for teachers to plan and prepare resources, per subject, per year. As Languages teachers, we often feel this more acutely as we are often the only teacher of our subject in the school, and therefore shouldering this planning burden alone. 

As alarming (but unsurprising) as that 500 hours figure is, it’s of course worse when you consider that we are often singlehandedly responsible for four, five, six different year levels. This brings us into the thousands. And guess what? That’s actually more hours than we have in our entire teaching year. It just doesn’t make sense and can leave you feeling like you have been set up to fail. 

So what’s the answer? 


The Grattan Institute recommends that teachers have access to pre-written banks of high quality resources – whether they be created in house by schools or sectors or commercially purchased from publishers. 

This is one of our key aims at Lingopont – to create all-inclusive resource packages to save teachers time. Avanti Tutta! and Peko Peko are not just text books – they are fully integrated, highly interactive online platforms designed to save teachers time and allow students to learn at their own pace. 

Let us take some of that planning and resource creating workload off your plate. We’d love to see how our Lingopont resources could work for you!